This isn't going to be a long one this week, as I write to you from under a blanket, with a nose redder than Rudolph's.
I've got egg on my face.
After giving it the biggun last week by saying "Oh, I've not had COVID yet" I'd basically inadvertently gone and blown raspberries in the face of the virus, almost daring it to come and have a go if it thought it was hard enough.
It was hard enough, and it's left me bent, battered and broken... a lot.
Despite thinking I'd got superhuman immunity to the Rona, I'm suffering. Naturally, as a man, that means I'm wrapped up in a blanket, demanding chicken soup and paracetamol every 5 mins. I've not taken it well.
I expect I'll be receiving the Victoria Cross for my valent struggle, and I might even rope Bob Geldof in to write and produce a timely Christmas single to seek further help. JonoAid 2022 will surely be Christmas number one.
Jesus, after reading that back, this Lemsip stuff must be a lot stronger than I thought!
Imagine thinking this was the announcement though!
2023 Is set to see us working with a BIG name in the wedding industry.
Anyone who works in the wedding industry will know that the go-to name for wedding fayres is a company called Perfect Brides. Perfect Brides are responsible for some of THE BIGGEST wedding fayres in the country, and also hosts the National Wedding Fyre which is set to be held next February at the NEC in Birmingham.
Every year, Perfect Brides, handpick the very best names in the industry to include in their "Win your Wedding" competition. We're talking about the best venues, cake makers, bridal boutiques and everything else that's included in a wedding day. Done, dusted and paid for.
Well, in 2023 I've been selected to be included in that very same competition which will see our business once again rubbing shoulders with some of the best in the business for one very lucky couple!
Hit the guys up at perfect brides, to see some of the other awesome suppliers heading along!
Right. That's me clocking off for today. There's some paracetamol with my name on it.
Peace, Love... cough.... Photos.
Jono x