As I mentioned last week, I'm out at a wedding today with the fantastic Melvin and Sasina, so unfortunately you'll have to put up with a prewritten blog this week.
Fear not though, as you may well have guessed from the title, this is a fairly important day, as it's Rachel's birthday!
And yes, I am working.
In an effort to claw back some boyfriend points though, I'm going to take the opportunity, once again, to gush about my better half and tell you why she is the best thing that's happened to me.
They say romance is dead eh?
Those of you who've met Rachel will know that the moment she walks into any room, she lights it up. She's not got a penchant for matches or lighter fluid or anything like that, but I can personally guarantee anyone who's spent any amount of time with her, will know what a fantastic person she really is.
She's one of the kindest, most selfless and loving girls I've ever met, and I'll be the first to admit, that I'm punching well above my weight by being able to call her my girlfriend. I'm a very lucky bloke, and you better believe I'm not going to forget that in a hurry.
There isn't a single day that goes by where she doesn't make me smile, and we honestly just have the best time together. Even at 4:30am in the morning before she leaves for work, Rachel's still making me laugh right up until the point she walks out of the door, and then she's straight back at it, as soon as she gets home.
Even if she does shed hair like an Afghan hound. (-1 boyfriend point)
We share a huge amount of inside jokes. They'd more than likely be nonsense to anyone else, but we'd only have to say one word to each other and it'd instantly have us laughing looking like 2 inmates recently released from Broadmore. So to say she's my partner in crime is quite fitting really.
Despite her inability to get up on her first alarm, or even her 10th for that matter! Rachel is nothing short of perfect.
She's seen me laugh, she's seen me cry and despite all of that still accepts me for who I am regardless of my many imperfections (Believe me, there are plenty).
So today, even if I'm not there with you sharing the whole day, have a fantastic birthday, and I hope you'll keep me around for many more to come.
Love you lot's trouble!
Peace, Love and Photos.
Jono x
Cutie 😉