Ok, let's just open this up, by pointing out, I'm not SPECIFICALLY talking about capes here. I was watching The Incredibles the other day, and it occurred to me, that whilst brides don't inherently wear capes to weddings, they do wear Veils, and there are a lot of parallels to think about here.
Veils look fantastic, and they're a part of a wedding dress I don't think any bride should neglect or forget about. I mean, it was only a few weeks ago, I went to the wedding of Shelley and Adrian, and one of the must-have shots we'd discussed before the big day was a shot of her veil blowing in the wind, which honestly looked stunning.

What they are though, is completely unpractical. This is where the rule No Capes apply.
The flip side of having a long veil is that it gets trapped everywhere. Not quite a cape getting caught in a jet turbine, but it will get caught up on just about everything else. Stray twigs, grass, corners of stuff, just about anywhere you can think of, your super long veil can and will snag on just about anything it can, and this is before we talk about people accidentally stepping on it.
Now, I'm not suggesting for one second we ditch the long veil, but I think we do need to talk about some expectations here and things we can do to make the process a little more manageable so you get the best of both worlds.
First things first, let's talk about the morning of your wedding. You've just had your hair and makeup done, and your hairstylist of choice is fixing your veil into your hair. This is right about where I bestow on you my first tip for the day. Grab your maid of honour and or bridesmaid of choice, and ask your stylist to talk them through how they've fixed it into your hair. Whilst we can't stop it from getting caught entirely, we can make sure if it does, there's a certain amount of damage control and that there's someone on hand to jump in and get things back in order.
Particularly if you're wearing a long veil, make sure you speak with your hairstylist to make sure it's secured properly. Despite looking very lacey and light, they can be surprisingly heavy, so having it securely held in place is a must.
More than anything else though, manage expectations when it comes to your veil. Lots of brides in my experience choose to ditch the veil entirely as soon as they've had their photos and the ceremony is over and done with. You certainly don't want it getting in the way throughout your whole day, and the bottom line is, it's one less thing to worry about.
If you do however want to wear your veil for the whole day, maybe think about an option that isn't quite as long, it'll be far easier to manage, and mean you can concentrate on enjoying yourself. So I'd definitely recommend talking with your dress shop of choice to explore other options.
And that's another blog of awesome wedding tips from your very own Mr Incredible!
Peace, Love and Photos.
Jono x